Beige marble for warmth and comfort
This residence is using beige marble that creates a sence of warmth, comfort and security. On the other hand, the kitchen countertop is a white porcelain with grey veins creating a contrast with the beige floor tiles.
Private Residence
Materials: Vratza Marble, Travertino Grigio, Porcelanato Statuario polished
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09 / 2021

↑ Porcelanato is immune to the passage of time and is even superior in strength to some natural materials.

Porcelain is much stronger than granite and it is highly resistant to impact, stains and scratches.

↑ One advantage of porcelanato is its heat resistance.
Papadopoulos is your reliable partner for luxurious and high–quality marble
A comprehensive stone library offers hundreds of different choices to choose from.
The expertise to offer genuine, honest advice based on suitability, aesthetics, and budget.

↑ Travertine grigio tiles feature a timeless appeal and beauty with which few materials can compete.

↑ Classic decoration with Travertine is timeless and elegant. It’s been used since the times of ancient Rome.

↑ Vratza marble is a beige marble with a leather finish. Sophisticated and timeless, beige marble creates a sence of warmth and comfort.

↑ Vratza Marble
Beige marble blends easily with a large number of natural or artificial materials. Therefore, creates spaces of comfort, health, personal care and practicality.
Ideal material for the prevailing trends in eco-architecture.
Beige marble creates a sence of warmth and comfort.
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